Pennymore News
Mar 3, 2022
‘The Pennymores’ is a Kid’s Book Building a Real-World Secret Writing Society
The Pennymores & the Curse of the Invisible Quill by Eric Koester (The Pennymores: Book 1) is a perfect read for middle-grade readers and young adult readers (plus parents will love the delightful quips and subtleties if they read together or read to a younger child). The book has a wonderful ending that'll leave you anxious for the rest of the series. Five Stars.
Mar 1, 2022
Community Owned Books: The Pennymores leverages web3 and NFT tools to turn its readers into owners
“Fans are what make any creative endeavor a success,” Koester said. “Whether it is BTS or Spider-Man or Game of Thrones, without fans who love, support, and recommend the art, you’ve got nothing. That’s why I’m excited about building a new way to launch and create a co-ownership of a book. With the community’s help, we think we’ve written a great book, and now we want it to be a book we all share a part of. That’s what’s exciting about the future – it’s a future where we’re all owners of the Pennymores.”
Feb 28, 2022
Review: The Pennymores & the Curse of the Invisible Quill
Parker Pennymore runs away from her overbearing parents and the bullies harassing her at school. Sure this sounds like a pretty standard start to a YA or middle-grade story until you figure out the twist: Parker is running away to write. The entertaining, literary warped world of the Pennymores introduces us to a place where writing is forbidden. This wonderfully twisted concept leads the reader to imagine how different life would be without the ability to read or write. Writing isn’t banned because books are filled with evil ideas. No, it’s forbidden because you write magic with a quill in this world, which eons before led to great battles between good magic writers (Serifs) and evil magic writers (Ravagers). The quill as the wand is such a fun visual that opens up so many new opportunities (as you’ll see once you get to the end).
Feb 24, 2022
‘The Pennymores’ Is A Kids’ Fantasy Book For A ‘Fahrenheit 451’ World
Look out Percy and Harry Potter because the Pennymore siblings are ready for their time. As a writer and storyteller, Parker narrates the story in a fun, authentic way using story elements she’s learned including Dramatic Irony and Plot Twist (which the book has multiple times over to keep the reader on her toes.) Parker knows heroes must go on these adventures and quests, but her companions and the interplay between them make this hero’s journey stand out.
A terrific book for sure that has me buying a feather quill and an inkwell to see if I can write a little magic myself. Perfect for any Potterheads, Demigods, Narnia-fans, or Hobbit lovers. Absolutely worth the read! 9.5+ of 10
Feb 22, 2022
The Pennymores and the Curse of the Invisible Quill by Eric Koester – review
The Pennymores & the Curse of the Invisible Quill is an exceptional book that will delight its middle-grade and young adult readers (aged 7 to 14) and will be a guilty pleasure for the rest of us who love fun, magical fantasy stories such as Narnia, Schools of Good & Evil, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson & more.
Feb 15, 2022
The Pennymores & the Curse of the Invisible Quill by Eric Koester (The Pennymores: Book 1): Book Review
When her brother vanishes in the night along with all she thought to be true of magic, Parker Pennymore must unmask family secrets, travel far beyond the castle walls, and convince her sisters to break a few laws along the way. The Pennymores delivers on its promise, as a beautifully written, uniquely conceived world of adventure, with twists, turns, and surprises that keep the reader guessing all while putting the magic of writing on full display. An absolutely captivating story and a cast of characters, we couldn’t put down until the end.